
6 Feb 2012

Clearing clipboard in Windows 7

Copy-Paste (Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V) is one of the most widely used option by computer users worldwide. Everything you copies is stored in Clipboard. But did you know that  every copied data (stored in clipboard) is accessible from the internet by a combination of Java scripts and ASP? Surprised smile In short... Every data which is in your PC's clipboard is unsafe and can be accessed-stolen by website or hacker if your PC is connected to internet.

Don't keep sensitive data in the clipboard while using the internet. Best way to protect your data is to delete copied data from clipboard soon after pasted it.

To create shortcut which will clear your PC's clipboard everytime you run it... Follow the below steps:

1. Right-click on desktop and select... New > Shortcut option.

2. In shortcut location box type cmd.exe /c echo off | clip

3. Now type any name you want for that Shortcut and click Finish


Its Done. Angel


Feeling Safe? Open-mouthed smile Please don't. Because nothing is safe on PC from expert hackers. Angry smile So never keep any sensitive information in your computer if your computer is connected to internet.

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