On 16 September 2011... During my routine news reading i came across Pakistan's The Nation newspaper’s website editorial. I always read our good ;) neighbor's news papers to understand them batter. After reading The Nation's editorial i decided to post it here with my thoughts between the lines. Below is the 16th September Editorial, i posted my views in Brackets. Hope you will enjoy reading it and don't laugh(i mean smile) between the lines. :)
Title of the editorial: Inimical US overstay,
Published: September 16, 2011, Home, Opinions, Inimical-US-overstay, Editorial.
The Americans are ''reportedly''(According to Pakistani sources) busy these days trying to give a concrete shape to their ''main motive''(Motive of staying in Afghanistan-Iraq?) behind the façade(Really?) of the war on terror, in pursuit of Deputy Under Secretary of Defence Michele Flournoy’s statement about two months back that the US intended to maintain long-term presence in Afghanistan, beyond President Obama’s stated position of a pull-out by 2014. Thus, ''a plan to establish permanent military bases in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq is afoot''(Advance thinking or i should say prediction). According to a press report, this has raised Pakistan’s hackles ''because US continued stay next door would be a source of instability and ''friction in the region''(Don't expect that editor to say... Friction with Pakistan for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan) and is rightly perceived to be a ''threat to our national interests''(Interests of ISI and company. Also how can they tolerate government which is against Pakistan, Taliban & company). One should not, therefore, be surprised to see our leaders mounting a campaign to lobby regional powers like ''China, Iran and Russia to bring them on board against the US move''(Don't disturb, let editor to dream about Russian support to Pakistan). Pakistan has had, it must be recalled, ''repeated experience of US betrayal''(US not supported Pakistan against INDIA during Kargil war, they also killed laden even without consulting Pakistan etc.).
From Afghanistan, the US intends checking the expansion of Beijing’s influence in energy-rich Central Asia – a virtually ''impossible task''(Always hopeful and positive attitude. Sometimes even chines fails to be that much hopeful-positive) on two counts. First, the sharply rising Chinese economic strength inevitably constitutes a strong mutual pull for Central Asian Republics, on the one hand, and China, on the other; and, secondly, the equally sharply declining economic might of the US would deter it from making the kind of investment in the region that a more reliable and ''friendlier neighbor could come up with''(Don't ask about chines friendship to Vietnam, japan, India etc.).
Nevertheless, the US leaders are making desperate efforts to find some way of establishing their hegemony in the region, even if they have to ''violate their own international commitments''(Did they?) about nuclear non-proliferation. ‘’The nuclear deal with India is a case in point’’(Don't expect friendly attitude towards India). ''India is Pakistan’s sworn enemy''(What a choice of words from a news paper editor) that poses it an existential threat with intransigent attitude on Kashmir and stealth of water that legally belongs to it. In the US perception, that would cut both ways: military might backing up India’s flourishing economy would enable it to serve as a bulwark against China; and, at the same time, nullify the role that ''Pakistan, the Beijing’s best friend in the region''(No doubt about that), could play in defence of China’s interests. ''There are also systematic US moves to destabilise Pakistan, cripple it economically and socially by instigating local dissident leaders to create trouble''(According to most reliable Pakistani sources). ''From Iraq, the US wishes to protect the Israeli interests, keep a check on Iran''(Don't ask why US can't do that from Israel) and ensure the flow of Middle Eastern oil to run its economy.
In the light of these dangers, it is but ''inevitable that the countries in the region would come round Pakistan to work against the US''(Will they?) attempt to build bases in Afghanistan and Iraq and affirm that by adopting suitable policies they can best solve the problem of militancy in the region. These countries along with Turkey and Saudi Arabia must make it clear to the US that beyond 2014 they would not tolerate its presence here, which has done ''immeasurable harm to the countries in the region''(Editor means Pakistan).
These guys as best comedians and great conspiracy theory believers.