
25 Sept 2011

Another digital art from me

Another digital art from me. I used  Paint.NET(v3.5) and TwistedBrush Pro Studio(v17) for this drawing.

Photograph which i used for my painting: 

My painting based on above photograph: 

24 Sept 2011

After coloring the drawing.

Today i finished coloring that drawing. I used 'TwistedBrush Pro Studio v17' to coloring the drawing (which i draw on 22 September 2011 and posted here).

Below is final version of my painting:


23 Sept 2011

My 1st drawing on Paint.NET

Yesterday i finished my 1st serious attempt of draw something with help of  Paint.NET(v3.5) software. I used photograph to draw it and its taken about 8 hours to finished it, and result is good. Though Paint.NET is not a special software for drawing. Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows OS.

Below is the photograph which is used for my drawing:

Original IMG

And this is what i created from it:


I not yet decided to color it. Maybe i will do that later.

20 Sept 2011

Multiple Facebook account with single email

Is it possible? Yes… it is. How?? Just read ahead. Smile

You can make multiple Facebook account with single email address if you have a Gmail account. What you will need is a Gmail Username which have dot(.) in it. For example:

Don’t know why but Gmail ignores the dot(.) position in the Gmail username. For example Even after changing dot(.) positions… Gmail treat following email usernames as same email account:

If you have a Gmail username with dot(.) in it than you can test it yourself by sending email to your address changing the positions of dot. I tested it my self. Winking smile 

Now if you want to take advantage of this existing Gmail Bug than sign up to Facebook with your Gmail email address by changing the positions of dot(.). All those Facebook accounts will be associated with only a single Gmail account. This trick will work only till Facebook knows about this Gmail bug.

17 Sept 2011

Inimical US overstay. Really??

On 16 September 2011... During my routine news reading i came across Pakistan's The Nation newspaper’s website  editorial. I always read our good ;) neighbor's news papers to understand them batter. After reading The Nation's editorial i decided to post it here with my thoughts between the lines. Below is the 16th September Editorial, i posted my views in Brackets. Hope you will enjoy reading it and don't laugh(i mean smile) between the lines. :) 

Title of the editorial: Inimical US overstay, 
Published: September 16, 2011, Home, Opinions, Inimical-US-overstay, Editorial. 

The Americans are ''reportedly''(According to Pakistani sources) busy these days trying to give a concrete shape to their ''main motive''(Motive of staying in Afghanistan-Iraq?) behind the façade(Really?) of the war on terror, in pursuit of Deputy Under Secretary of Defence Michele Flournoy’s statement about two months back that the US intended to maintain long-term presence in Afghanistan, beyond President Obama’s stated position of a pull-out by 2014. Thus, ''a plan to establish permanent military bases in Afghanistan as well as in Iraq is afoot''(Advance thinking or i should say prediction). According to a press report, this has raised Pakistan’s hackles ''because US continued stay next door would be a source of instability and ''friction in the region''(Don't expect that editor to say... Friction with Pakistan for supporting terrorism in Afghanistan) and is rightly perceived to be a ''threat to our national interests''(Interests of ISI and company. Also how can they tolerate government which is against Pakistan, Taliban & company). One should not, therefore, be surprised to see our leaders mounting a campaign to lobby regional powers like ''China, Iran and Russia to bring them on board against the US move''(Don't disturb, let editor to dream about Russian support to Pakistan). Pakistan has had, it must be recalled, ''repeated experience of US betrayal''(US not supported Pakistan against INDIA during Kargil war, they also killed laden even without consulting Pakistan etc.)

From Afghanistan, the US intends checking the expansion of Beijing’s influence in energy-rich Central Asia – a virtually ''impossible task''(Always hopeful and positive attitude. Sometimes even chines fails to be that much hopeful-positive) on two counts. First, the sharply rising Chinese economic strength inevitably constitutes a strong mutual pull for Central Asian Republics, on the one hand, and China, on the other; and, secondly, the equally sharply declining economic might of the US would deter it from making the kind of investment in the region that a more reliable and ''friendlier neighbor could come up with''(Don't ask about chines friendship to Vietnam, japan, India etc.).  

Nevertheless, the US leaders are making desperate efforts to find some way of establishing their hegemony in the region, even if they have to ''violate their own international commitments''(Did they?) about nuclear non-proliferation. ‘’The nuclear deal with India is a case in point’’(Don't expect friendly attitude towards India). ''India is Pakistan’s sworn enemy''(What a choice of words from a news paper editor) that poses it an existential threat with intransigent attitude on Kashmir and stealth of water that legally belongs to it. In the US perception, that would cut both ways: military might backing up India’s flourishing economy would enable it to serve as a bulwark against China; and, at the same time, nullify the role that ''Pakistan, the Beijing’s best friend in the region''(No doubt about that), could play in defence of China’s interests. ''There are also systematic US moves to destabilise Pakistan, cripple it economically and socially by instigating local dissident leaders to create trouble''(According to most reliable Pakistani sources). ''From Iraq, the US wishes to protect the Israeli interests, keep a check on Iran''(Don't ask why US can't do that from Israel) and ensure the flow of Middle Eastern oil to run its economy. 

In the light of these dangers, it is but ''inevitable that the countries in the region would come round Pakistan to work against the US''(Will they?) attempt to build bases in Afghanistan and Iraq and affirm that by adopting suitable policies they can best solve the problem of militancy in the region. These countries along with Turkey and Saudi Arabia must make it clear to the US that beyond 2014 they would not tolerate its presence here, which has done ''immeasurable harm to the countries in the region''(Editor means Pakistan).

15 Sept 2011

Stuxnet… Most sophisticated cyber weapon ever deployed

Today I read very interesting article on The New York Times webite. Below is some parts of that article. Hope you will like it. Smile

Iran's Nuclear Facilities
Iran's Nuclear Facilities

Stuxnet is the name given to a computer worm, or malicious computer program, that began to spread in mid-2009. It may the most sophisticated cyber weapon ever deployed.

Stuxnet turned up in industrial programs around the world. But experts dissecting it soon determined that it had been precisely calibrated in a way that would send nuclear centrifuges wildly out of control, adding to suspicions that it was meant to sabotage Iran’s nuclear program.

It appears to have wiped out roughly a fifth of Iran’s nuclear centrifuges and helped delay, though not destroy, Tehran’s ability to make its first nuclear arms. After its spread, intelligence officials began to talk of setbacks in Iran's program that could delay the day it is able to produce a nuclear weapon.

Many mysteries remain, chief among them, exactly who constructed a computer worm that appears to have several authors on several continents. But the digital trail is littered with intriguing bits of evidence, many of which suggest that the virus was designed as an American-Israeli project to sabotage the Iranian program.

The worm itself now appears to have included two major components. One was designed to send Iran’s nuclear centrifuges spinning wildly out of control. Another seems right out of the movies: The computer program also secretly recorded what normal operations at the nuclear plant looked like, then played those readings back to plant operators, like a pre-recorded security tape in a bank heist, so that it would appear that everything was operating normally while the centrifuges were actually tearing themselves apart.

Stuxnet at natanz
Stuxnet at natanz

The attacks were not fully successful: Some parts of Iran’s operations ground to a halt, while others survived, according to the reports of international nuclear inspectors. Nor is it clear the attacks are over: Some experts who have examined the code believe it contains the seeds for yet more versions and assaults.

Dimona Nuclear Facility
Dimona Nuclear Facility

The Dimona complex in the Negev desert, the heavily guarded heart of Israel’s never-acknowledged nuclear arms program, became a critical testing ground in a joint American and Israeli effort to undermine Iran’s efforts to make a bomb of its own.

Behind Dimona’s barbed wire, the experts say, Israel spun nuclear centrifuges virtually identical to Iran’s at Natanz, where Iranian scientists are struggling to enrich uranium. They say Dimona tested the effectiveness of the computer worm, a critical step in honing its effectiveness.

The paternity of the worm is still in dispute, but officials from Israel have broken into wide smiles when asked whether Israel was behind the attack, or knew who was. Several obscure hints hidden deep within its code suggest a possible Israeli origin -- or an attempt to deceive investigators.

Article copyrights:  The New York Times
Pictures copyrights: Various Sources

14 Sept 2011

Want to Download Windows 8 Developer Preview?

Yesterday Microsoft launched pre-beta version of Windows 8 for developers. The next version of Windows is now available to anyone who wants it. So if you want to download Windows 8 developer preview than you can download it. Read ahead for that. :)

Before you download it is important to note that this early builds is far from final and unstable. A disclaimer on the Microsoft site says, "These downloads include prerelease software that may change without notice. The software is provided as is, and you bear the risk of using it. It may not be stable, operate correctly or work the way the final version of the software will. It should not be used in a production environment."

~ Windows Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit, 4.8GB: 
Download from here.

~ Windows Developer Preview English, 64-bit, 3.6GB:
Download from here.

~ Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit, 2.8GB:
Download from here

~ System Requirements:

• 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
• 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
• 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
• DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver

For further info go to Microsoft's developer site

© Microsoft

12 Sept 2011

Force Flash Movies & Animations to Low Quality in Firefox

If you have a computer with  very slow internet than you may find that Flash movies and animations loads VERY slowly for you. Usually the way to speed them up and improve Flash's performance is to right-click on the Flash object and choose Quality to Low. But how can you force Flash to run movies at low quality automatically?

Flash itself does not provide the ability to automatically set a quality rating. It's done by the author of the movie or animation, who usually set the quality to HIGH. But, with the power of Firefox and an add-in called Greasemonkey, you can set Firefox to automatically set the Flash quality to LOW.

This works great for users who have very slow Internet connections.

Step 1: Install Greasemonkey:
First, with Firefox, download the Greasemonkey add-on from here.

Install the add-on, then restart Firefox. Then return to this article to finish the tutorial.

Step 2: Install the User Script:
Next, you'll need to install a user script called Force Low Quality Flash. The script available for public download here.

When you go to that link, click the Install button and it will grab the latest version of the script.

Step 3: Test:
Next, go to a site heavy on Flash. After the Flash animation loads, right-click on it and check the quality. If it is set to Low, you have success!